full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jonathan Harris: The Web's secret stories

Unscramble the Blue Letters

What you see here is a madly swarming mass of particles, each of which represents a single human feeling that was stated in the last few horus. The color of each pitacrle corresponds to the type of feeling inside — so that happy, pitiovse feelings are bgrtlihy colored. And sad, negative feelings are drkaly celoord. The diameter of each dot represents the legtnh of the sentence inside, so that the lagre dots contain large sentences, and the small dots contain small sentences. Any dot can be clicked and expanded. And we see here, "I would just feel so much better if I could curl up in his arms right now and feel his affection for me in the erabmce of his body and the tenderness of his lips." So it gets pretty hot and steamy sometimes in the world of human emotions. And all of these are settad by people: "I know that objectively it really doesn't mean much, but after spending so many years as a small fish in a big pond, it's nice to feel bigger again."

Open Cloze

What you see here is a madly swarming mass of particles, each of which represents a single human feeling that was stated in the last few _____. The color of each ________ corresponds to the type of feeling inside — so that happy, ________ feelings are ________ colored. And sad, negative feelings are ______ _______. The diameter of each dot represents the ______ of the sentence inside, so that the _____ dots contain large sentences, and the small dots contain small sentences. Any dot can be clicked and expanded. And we see here, "I would just feel so much better if I could curl up in his arms right now and feel his affection for me in the _______ of his body and the tenderness of his lips." So it gets pretty hot and steamy sometimes in the world of human emotions. And all of these are ______ by people: "I know that objectively it really doesn't mean much, but after spending so many years as a small fish in a big pond, it's nice to feel bigger again."


  1. colored
  2. hours
  3. darkly
  4. positive
  5. large
  6. stated
  7. brightly
  8. particle
  9. length
  10. embrace

Original Text

What you see here is a madly swarming mass of particles, each of which represents a single human feeling that was stated in the last few hours. The color of each particle corresponds to the type of feeling inside — so that happy, positive feelings are brightly colored. And sad, negative feelings are darkly colored. The diameter of each dot represents the length of the sentence inside, so that the large dots contain large sentences, and the small dots contain small sentences. Any dot can be clicked and expanded. And we see here, "I would just feel so much better if I could curl up in his arms right now and feel his affection for me in the embrace of his body and the tenderness of his lips." So it gets pretty hot and steamy sometimes in the world of human emotions. And all of these are stated by people: "I know that objectively it really doesn't mean much, but after spending so many years as a small fish in a big pond, it's nice to feel bigger again."

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
time capsule 5
bill clinton 5
feel fine 4
climate change 4
night sky 3
world today 2
geographical location 2
great stories 2
aurora borealis 2
personal mythology 2

Important Words

  1. affection
  2. arms
  3. big
  4. bigger
  5. body
  6. brightly
  7. clicked
  8. color
  9. colored
  10. corresponds
  11. curl
  12. darkly
  13. diameter
  14. dot
  15. dots
  16. embrace
  17. emotions
  18. expanded
  19. feel
  20. feeling
  21. feelings
  22. fish
  23. happy
  24. hot
  25. hours
  26. human
  27. large
  28. length
  29. lips
  30. madly
  31. mass
  32. negative
  33. nice
  34. objectively
  35. particle
  36. particles
  37. pond
  38. positive
  39. pretty
  40. represents
  41. sad
  42. sentence
  43. sentences
  44. single
  45. small
  46. spending
  47. stated
  48. steamy
  49. swarming
  50. tenderness
  51. type
  52. world
  53. years